USDA Pecan Station Renovation
USDA Pecan Station Renovation Project:
- Create additional office spaces from existing floorplan
* Split three existing offices into six new spaces
* Add electrical outlets to new walls
* Add conduit / outlets for LAN from new server room
* One of the new spaces house new server room
- Upgraded conference room and add break area * Solid cherry wood millwork (no particleboard)
* Added plumbing and elect for sink / counter
* ADA compliant sink / counter
- Upgrade entire HVAC system
* Replaced outside condensers / Inside air handlers
* Eliminated common return (add return to each room)
* Fabricated platform for outside condensers (see pic)
- Bring restrooms to ADA compliance
- Modified existing 4X4 ceiling grid for 2X2 system
- Replaced 4X4 tiles with new 2X2 panels
- Replace florescent lighting w/ 2X2 LEDs
- Add employee conference room / break room
- New paint and floor base
- Owner required old floors to remain for budgetary purposes, however, take a look at the photos. Deep clean, strip, wax was all it needed to look like new. We also saved owner $ by relocating a door and color matching and modifying existing ACT grid to accommodate new 2X2 panels.